Blah Blah Blah.
The Goal.
"Undressing your critical conscience, through controversial critique."

Grab a pen, pad, and serve your revolutionary purporse! As a literary scholar, dressed in the finest fashion, the creator of Critique De Chic wants you to indulge in a non-fat, stress free, feministic experience of critical opinion. Your thoughts on media and entertainment will no longer be supressed by society. Say, do, and acessorize however you aesthetically see fit! All without the intrusion of professional, or more narrowly, male examination. The place where film, fame, and fashoin fiercely collide, Critique De Chic is the center of artistic female dominance. Stationed in Atlanta, Georgia, this source of acredible say-so is progressive and connected. So scroll down, dress up, and into the judgemental, yet fashionable world of critical critique!
The Chick In Chic ♥
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